Deck The Halls & Your Home With These Hosting Essential Deals
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Holiday hosting deals are the best way to make memories and have the happiest of holidays!
Thanksgiving Morning
When I was a little girl, I remember when I woke up on Thanksgiving morning I already smelled the turkey in the oven and that aroma got me right out of bed. I walk into the kitchen and see my mom in her apron stirring something on the stove and slicing something on the cutting board while washing the pots and pans she had already used so that she could use them again. My recollection of my mom at that time is that she had several arms and was able to do it all at once!
My job was to set the table, and I did it with such pride. I got out the good plates and silverware and folded everyone’s napkin in a triangle, that’s how you know it is a special occasion, and everyone gets a wine glass. Even little me!
All the People
When I was growing up, there was not a holiday that our house wasn’t filled with family. Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve were the big meals for my family. There were five in my immediate family, but we also had my uncle and aunt, my grandmother, and my grandfather. Our dining room table got so long it extended into the living room. Those were big meals … but they weren’t the biggest crowd.
Easters were spent with family friends who would travel several hours to spend the day with us. There were nine of them while their grandmother was alive, and they joined our five, my aunt and uncle, and two grandparents. The adults sat around the extended dining room table and the littlest of the kids sat in the kitchen. Pure chaos. Pure love. Those are my favorite memories of my childhood: good food, good company, and lots of love.
Creating Our Tradition
When my husband and I celebrated our first Thanksgiving with our baby daughter Tori, it was the first holiday we didn’t travel to see family. Having never actually made a turkey before, I thought it best for us to go out for a turkey dinner. We will never do that again! Dinner was fine, but we came home to an empty house that didn’t even smell like Thanksgiving. Where was the crowd? The noise? Where were the leftovers for a second dinner? Where was the love?
I learned a lesson that year. I will not allow my children to spend quiet holidays. We will fill our home with love food and laughter. These holiday hosting deals will help. Don't forget these deals are for Prime Members only. If you aren't a Prime Member, now is the best time to become one. You can take advantage of all of the deals, plus access to hundreds of TV shows and movies, two-day Prime shipping, and so much more. Start your Prime Membership now with a FREE 30-day trial here.