Freddie Gibbs Is In Trouble With His Fiance
(Photo by Vivien Killilea/Getty Images)
Rapper Freddie Gibbs has been put on blast as an apparent cheater and dead-beat dad.
The engaged rapper and father of a child he has with his current fiancé, Freddie Gibbs is the apparent father of a “side-chick’s” unborn child. According to, @raegoldn says that Gibbs stalks her social media but doesn’t return her phone calls.
With all the “fake-news” that goes on these days involving rappers, pregnancies, & “side-chicks”, do you think this is legit or just another ploy to have their 15 minutes?
Chris is a writer and social media guru who is known for channeling his creativity. He offers valuable insight regarding trending topics in hip-hop, sports, fashion/streetwear, and tech news.