Theme songs are a lost art. Think about all the most iconic themes you have ever heard and you would hear some of the best pieces of music that there is. Previously I’ve shown some love to some of the cartoon themes like Street Sharks and Gummi Bears but that’s just the cartoons.
Television has wide ranges of different styles and premises that need just as much attention. I feel like though, with the amount of content how can you be intrigued without the open to pull you in. There were a ton of shows I used to actually stick around with because the theme song was so good.
Like One Tree Hill and the epicness of Gavin Degraw’s “I Don’t Wanna Be”:
After they got rid of that song I stopped watching the show. And more often times then not if a show doesn’t have at least some form of open I tend to not be interested. You can’t just hand a present without the wrapping paper. I mean you could but it would kinda be disappointing.
With this era of short attention spans and need for more sponsorships, TV shows have a content more approach. Maximizing the minutes so they can get right to the stories. I miss the days where you used to watch a show for a long time. Filler episodes galore and nice characters that you want to see get into hijinks and an unforgettable theme song.
Do I just miss the old-school sitcoms? I do, but I also the hour-long dramas that used the opening theme to take you into the zone. Few shows achieved this magic and few shows have achieved this today. So in honor of the all time great themes, here are some theme songs that you have to watch every episode. And when you see the bar pop up that says “skip the intro” you ignore it because you don’t need that negativity in your life.