What is it Mom actually wants for Mother's Day?

Mother’s Day is fast approaching and it’s time to start thinking about spoiling Mom with the best Mother’s Day presents.

It seems like a no brainer to dedicate at least one day a year to mom, however Mother’s Day didn’t become a thing until 1908, thanks to a lady named Anna Jarvis. As history tells the tale, in 1876, when she was 12 years old, Anna Jarvis witnessed her mother offer a prayer at the close of a Sunday school class: “I hope and pray that someone, sometime, will found a memorial mother’s day commemorating her for the matchless service she renders to humanity in every field of life,” her mother said. “She is entitled to it.”

Anna Jarvis never forgot her mother’s prayer. She repeated it at a memorial service for her mother following the latter’s death in 1905, and she vowed that, “by the grace of God, you shall have that Mother’s Day.” Two years later Jarvis began a letter-writing and public speaking campaign directed at local, state, and national figures and organizations and dedicated to generating support for a holiday to honor mothers for their invaluable role as domestic caregivers and their selfless devotion to their families.

So, it’s fairly important that we get mom what she most wants for her special day. To make sure we don’t drop the ball, I consulted the all-knowing internet, specifically Reddit. And let me tell you, Reddit users had much advice to give on the topic of best Mother’s Day presents. Read on to find out what Mom really wants for Mother’s Day. (Or you could just ask her, ya know?)

  • Alone Time

    Book mom a hotel and leave her alone for a hot minute. Let her batteries recharge.

    One reddit mom said: “I’m always afraid I sound like a monster, but my mother’s day gift has always been a weekend away at a hotel. I come home to a takeout dinner, clean house, and usually little craft type gifts my kids make for me. It’s perfect! I’m a stay-at-home mom, and even when I get a ‘break’ in the house, I can hear the kids. I hear them say “where is my shoe?” and I groan because I know exactly where it is, and feel anxious listening to see if they find it, etc. And, if I’m in the house, I’ll relax by watching TV and think… I’ll just fold this laundry while I watch. And suddenly, it’s not a break anymore.”

    When I come home from my mommy vacation, the kids are thrilled to see me. I feel like I can be my best mom self. And everyone has had a chance to really appreciate everything I do, because they’ve had to do all my chores in my absence and felt how crazy it is.

  • A Family Photo

    “The family photos I ask for year after year! Lol. I don’t even mind picking the outfits and getting everyone ready, I’d just like my husband to find a photographer (since when I try to plan photos, he says it’s too expensive) and book a date. I just want one decent photo that isn’t taken on a cell phone or with me using a remote and hoping the kids looked at the camera when I took the picture.”

  • A Clean House

    “A clean home. Even better would be ongoing housecleaning scheduled so I’d know I’d have a clean home at least once a week/month/every few months.” 

  • Sleep

    “I want to sleep in and be as lazy as possible. I’d be happy if I have zero obligations for a day.”

    “I want to sleep in, not have to make anyone breakfast or get anyone dressed, not be in charge of anything and I want someone to cook me dinner or order me dinner”

    I would like a nap. It’s what I ask for every year. Sometimes it even happens”

    My husband asked me what do you want for Mother’s Day? I told him for you to do the morning routine with the kids and I’ll wake up when I wake up.”

    “I wanted my husband to take the kids and let me sleep. He went out and bought me wine though so I guess that’s just as good.”

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