Looming Kentucky Law on Pregnant Mothers Should Give Everyone Pause
Y’all tell me why they just passed a bill in Kentucky allowing pregnant mothers to get child support to cover pregnancy expenses? It’s looking like Georgia and Utah are going to be next to pass similar bills. I don’t see this going well. I was just thinking about my favorite modern soap opera aka The Kountry Wayne Skits. There is currently a storyline where Wayne’s brother Arby’s girlfriend Shayla, is pregnant. Spoiler Alert: there’s only a 50% chance that Arby is the father. Shayla also slept with her best friend’s husband. Meanwhile one potential father is taking care of her living arrangements, the other potential father is handing her stacks of cash.
My point? This could get very messy out here in these savage streets. Imagine a world where city girls can start collecting child support from multiple men for one fetus. What happens then? How many episodes of First 48 and Fatal Attraction have we seen with the motive being an unwanted pregnancy?
According to the BMJ Women in the US are more likely to be murdered during pregnancy or soon after childbirth than to die from the three leading obstetric causes of maternal death (high blood pressure disorders, hemorrhage, or sepsis.)
The Kentucky measure would allow a parent to seek child support up to a year after giving birth to retroactively cover pregnancy expenses. Bottom line is that this is a dangerous measure more and more states are adopting, so the best thing you can do: pay more attention to the character of the humans you lay down and procreate with.